Tenant Application Form

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Tenant Application Form

Our agency welcomes your application and any queries you may have. The following information and checklist will assist you to complete your application so that it can be processed as quickly as possible.

    Please read prior to completing your application



  • Applications will not be processed until all sections are completed in full, signed where necessary and all supporting documents attached. If the application is successful a deposit equivalent to two week’s rent or more will need to be taken immediately. If you do decide to retract your application once it has been approved and deposit paid, we reserve the right to retain the deposit.


  • ID sighted and photocopied, 100 points or more taken
  • Check to confirm property has been inspected
  • Form completed in full, telephone numbers and emails collected and Privacy Disclosure Statement signed, as well as Tenant Property Check.

  • I acknowledge that this is an application to rent this property and that my application is subject to the lessors approval and understand that there is no legal obligation for a reason to be given, should the application not be accepted. I declare that the information being provided is true and correct and consent to this application being verified and a reference check with the Tenancy Information Centre of Australia be undertaken. If you are found to be listed on a database our agency will inform you and provide information on the database that has you listed, how you are able to obtain a copy of the listing and how to have it removed or amended if you don’t agree. I, the applicant apply for approval to rent the premises referred to in this form and acknowledge that my application will be referred to the Lessor of the property for their consideration. I, the applicant declare that I am not a bankrupt or an undischarged bankrupt or have ever been known by another name and that the information provided by me is true and correct. I have inspected the above premises and wish to apply for a tenancy of I, the applicant confirm that should I be approved for this property that the total of 6 weeks rent must be paid and the lease agreement signed by all parties before possession is given to me. Sign below
  • Please list any other proposed occupants, D.O.B. and relationship to applicant:

Additional Occupant 1


Additional Occupant 2


Additional Occupant 3


Additional Occupant 4


Please list any pets


Current Residence








